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Jeffrey Zeidel

Postdoctoral Associate, NYU Abu Dhabi

Hello! I am a Postdoctoral Associate at New York University Abu Dhabi, in the Center for Behavioral Institutional Design. My work is primarily in behavioral and experimental economics and microeconomic theory.

Research Interests

My primary research focus is in behavioral and experimental economics and microeconomic theory, with secondary interests in political economy and law and economics. 


One of my topics of study is the determinants of effort in competitive environments. In my job market paper I study the role of aspirational goals in the motivation of effort on an online chess platform. I am currently studying experimentally and theoretically the role of feedback in effort provision in dynamic contests.


Secondly, I study group and individual decision making in strategic environments. I have theoretical and experimental projects on how groups' choice rules influences strategic behavior, on strategic voting with costly information, and on learning in mixed strategy equilibrium games. 

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